Open Days for Nursery & Reception. Tour 2-3pm. Fri 15 Nov , Fri 29 Nov, Fri 6 Dec, Fri 10 Jan. Free gift to all!

The PTA at Woodpecker

Welcome to the PTA at Woodpecker Hall

Get involved with your school.

Now is a great time to get involved with us as we have relaunched the PTA at the school with great support from head teacher Nicky Ross.

Do you have a child that attends the Woodpecker Hall Primary Academy? Have you thought that it would be good to get more involved in the school, but weren't too sure how?

Could you help us to run events at the school? Do you have some great ideas to bring parents together? Would you like to meet other parents?

Then please read on!

Our mission statement is:

Every child matters at Woodpecker Hall Primary Academy. To ensure our children reach their full potential the PTA will work with the school to engage and empower all our families and the local community.

What is a PTA? 

This is an organisation run solely by volunteers who help raise money to support the school by providing materials, resources and facilities for the benefit of our children.  The PTA does this by running a variety of events throughout the academic school year. It's also a lot fun. You get a great sense of satisfaction that you are making a very real contribution to the life of the school. Plus you get to make friends with lots of like minded parents.

Parent and Teacher link:  This is vital in a well-run school. Parents are very important in building relationships with teaching and learning staff whilst organising PTA activities. This helps to bring us all together and promotes good communication between parents and staff whilst working towards a common goal.

Contact us

Please get in touch with us, because whatever contribution you can give is much needed and appreciated. Send a message to [email protected]