Open Days for Nursery & Reception. Tour 2-3pm. Fri 15 Nov , Fri 29 Nov, Fri 6 Dec, Fri 10 Jan. Free gift to all!

Welcome from our Reception teachers

Welcome to Reception

We would like to welcome you to Woodpecker Hall Academy and hope that your child will enjoy their time with us.

We are excited that you have chosen our school and are looking forward to getting to know you in the coming months and years.

At Woodpecker Hall Academy we strongly believe in creating a positive partnership with our families. Please ask us about any worries you or your child may have, however small they may seem.

You can let us know if you have any queries or questions at any time.

In our booklet, which you can view or download, we have included some important information about starting in Reception which you might like to keep for reference. Please read it carefully before your child starts with us in September.

We expect that by the end of their year in Reception, the children will be confident, developing their independence, capable and ready to continue their learning. We look forward to working with you and your child to make the time spent in the Reception year both happy and rewarding. 

You will also find a lot more more information about the school on our website.

Download our Reception brochure here.

Starting in September 2025

Dear families,

We are looking forward to welcoming the children to their Reception classes in September 2025 and to getting to know you all. If you are thinking of us as a school for your child, please contact us with any queries.

If you haven't already make sure you sign up to our social media channels - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter - and follow news about the school across the summer.

Come for a visit

We would love to show you around our school. 

Tour 2-3pm. Fri 15 Nov , Fri 29 Nov, Fri 6 Dec, Fri 10 Jan. Free gift to all!

Welcome to Woodpecker Hall Academy

Our film takes you on a journey through the classrooms of our talented young learners across different year groups.