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Admissions appeals

Parents / carers have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel if they are dissatisfied with an admission decision of the Academy (although this right does not apply to decisions relating to applications to any of our nurseries).

The Appeal Panel will be independent of the Academy and will be overseen by the London Borough of Enfield in line with the School Admission Appeals Code published by the Department of Education. Details of the timetable for organising and hearing appeals can be found on the London Borough of Enfield’s website  here (the “Enfield Information”). You will still need to submit our form to us by the relevant deadline.

The Department for Education has also published Advice for parents and guardians on school admission appeals.

How to appeal

If you wish to appeal an admission decision, please complete the appeal against admission decision form.

If the appeal relates to the normal admission round the form should be returned to the school by the applicable closing date below.

For all other appeals (whether classed as "in year" or, where relevant, late applications), the deadline will be twenty school days after you are notified of the school’s decision, in line with the timetable in the Enfield Information, referred to above.

Additionally, per the Enfield Information dated February 2024:

When proceeding with an appeal, it is important for you to explain why your child should be admitted to the school and send in copies of any letters or documents you intend to refer to at your appeal because the Panel will want to come to a fair decision based on a full understanding of all the evidence.

Appeals will usually be heard within 30 school days of being lodged and ordinarily you would be given at least 10 school days’ notice of when your appeal is to be heard unless you have waived this right. Cases of admission to reception class appeals or secondary transfer appeals are usually heard within 40 school days of the closing date for appeals. Appeal hearings are held virtually using Microsoft Teams.

It should be noted that appeals will be considered against the schools admissions criteria as opposed to any personal circumstances which parents / carers may feel are appropriate.

Appeals can be heard in person, or by a representative or remotely.

Please click this link for the Appeal against admission decision form

Key appeal dates

Primary schools

Closing date for main Reception intake appeals:
17th May 2024
Appeals will be heard between:21st June and 13th July 2024

Appeal hearings are not held during school holiday periods, so any appeals received in mid-late June and July may not be heard until September / October.

Secondary school (Years 7 - 11)

Closing date for main Year 7 intake appeals:
28th March 2024
Appeals will be heard between:
10th May and 14th June 2024

Appeals lodged after 28th March 2023 (known as late transfer appeals) will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being received, whichever is the later date.

Secondary school (Sixth Form)

Closing date for main Sixth Form intake appeals:
31st August 2024
Appeals will be heard between:
During September 2024

You must state your reason for the appeal on the form.